Ammara Talib
Ammara Talib
Conference Presentations
Water from ground to sky - New approaches to observing and predicting field to basin scale Evapotranspiration (ET) over crops and plantations
How tall? The taller the tower, the large area ET you measure (around 10-100x upwind of tower). Needs to be at least ~6 feet above canopy. How much power? Can be run on solar, continuously log data at ten times a second, output ET and carbon fluxes every 30 minutes.
Ammara Talib
Ankur R Desai (2018)
Feb 6, 2018
Groundwater-Surface water interaction in agricultural watershed that encompasses dense network of High Capacity wells
The SWAT-MODFLOW coupled model approach was applied at large spatio-temporal scale to study the cumulative effects of changing precipitation patterns, groundwater withdrawals, and forest evapotranspiration to improve projections of the future of lake levels and water availability in agricultural regions.
Ammara Talib
Ankur R Desai (2017)
Dec 13, 2017
Land Use Land Cover Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality in Watershed Systems
A calibrated watershed model(HSPF) was used to simulate water flows and water quality changes and validated using field data. Regional built-out scenarios of LULC changes were used to assess watershed wide impacts.
Ammara Talib
Timothy Randhir (2014)
Jul 28, 2014
Integrated Assessment of Land Use Land Cover and ClimateChange Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality in SuAsCo Watershed System
Downscaled regional projections from Global Climate Model (GCM) models and a regional built out scenarios of LULC are used to assess the synergistic impacts of projected LULC and climate change. The results indicate that the simultaneous changes in LULC and climate significantly affect the water resources in the SuAsCo river watershed.
Ammara Talib
Timothy Randhir (2014)
Jun 30, 2014
Climate Change Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality in Watershed Systems
A downscaled prediction of global climate models (GCMs) is used to assess climate change impacts in Sudbury, Assabet and Concord (SuAsCo) watershed of Massachusetts. Climate adaptation strategies could involve implementation of low impact development practices and spatially targeted mitigation measures.
Ammara Talib
Timothy Randhir (2014)
Jun 18, 2014